September 11, 2024


Retro Lovely has become a multi-titled publishing house.

Below you can learn about all of our titles. Ready to SUBMIT? Just click any of the graphics and you’ll be connected to the appropriate submission form.

We began work on Retro Lovely in 2009 and our March 2010 launch was groundbreaking. We’ve grown by leaps and bounds over the last four years and are now home to eight primary publications along with several specialty titles. Scroll to learn a bit more about each of our brands. 

When you’re ready simply click the graphic and you’ll be taken to our highly regarded and exclusive submission portal. 

Retro Lovely… Our first publication. It has become nearly synonymous with pinup itself. World known and highly regarded, this title showcases the very best of contemporary pinup photography.

Retro Lovely. The title that started it all.
Retro Lovely features the highest quality pinup images we can find. Launched in 2010 it quickly became the standard bearer.
This title has a high standard of quality. Fewer than 50% of submissions made to Retro Lovely are accepted for it.

Godiva is one of our newest, and incredibly well received publications devoted to Beauty, Glamour, Boudoir and all things feminine. You may see some sheer and implied nudity in this magazine but it is all extremely tasteful. This title has a high standard of quality. Fewer than 50% of submissions made to Godiva are accepted for it.

Preview Godiva issues here: to get a better idea of what is included in this series. Click the preview link under the cover thumbnail NOT the Read Now link.

If Retro Lovely had a kid sister, it would be Kat Club. For this title we accept work that’s possibly a bit less polished in execution as what we feature in Retro Lovely but it’s every bit as fun. Sometimes we see terrific work but there’s just a bit more fly away hairs or wrinkled wardrobe, or perhaps blown highlights and lost shadows that would be noticed by imaging professionals yet the models look amazing and would have other models squeal “OMG I LOVE THIS”. As you can see from the cover samples, it’s brilliant on its own.

Cassandra– this is our publication where we feature Boudoir, Fantasy, Fashion and Fine Art model imagery.

Cassandra– this is our publication where we feature Boudoir, Fantasy, Fashion and Fine Art model imagery. Preview Cassandra issues here to get a better idea of what is included in this series: Click the preview link under the cover thumbnail NOT the Read Now link.