How exciting would it be to offer your fans an Official Retro Lovely Calendar with you on the cover? And make money while you are at it!

We are very pleased to offer this opportunity for those models who have graced the covers of our Retro Lovely, Taboo Edition, Venus Cult of Hellfire Club titles.
What is it, and how does it work?
Well, it all began when we first put our hands on copies of our Scrapbook series, the world’s first pinup magazine devoted to selfies, candids, and behind the scenes photos. We read the printer’s specifications, but until you see one in person, you can’t appreciate how impressive they are. Every page is printed on the same card stock used for the covers of our publications, and it’s the same as our posters, which are impressive themselves. They are also bound together by a stylish metal comb, which produces a very remarkable experience. By using a vertical format our covers will be presented brilliantly in each calendar. It’s a truly premium product.
We’ll be doing a few based on various themes, but we also had another idea. We just released two taboo edition themed calendars. Let’s focus here on the one with Miss V on the cover. This one features a dozen of our Taboo Edition covers within. But we also then place Miss V in June, her birth month. And as you can see, we’ve highlighted her birthday. Pretty cool, huh?

So what we are offering is this: Any model who has appeared on the cover of any of our titles (Retro Lovely, Retro Lovely Taboo Edition, Venus Cult) can have a version made available with their issue cover as a calendar cover. That same image appearing as their birth month and have their birthday highlighted.
To do this and set it all up, we will have a $25 fee. BUT we will make them available to you for just $10 each. We are pricing calendars in our own store at $20 – $25 (Taboo Calendars). We suggest our cover models offer them to their fans at $25 or $30 autographed. If you can manage to get ten sales, you can get an extra 15% off the purchase price. That would more than cover the shipping costs to you. If you ordered ten with shipping and the discount, you’d have about $125 in those copies with the setup fee. If you sold them at $30, that would be $300, leaving YOU a PROFIT of $175! If you have a fan site and offer rewards to supporters, this would be a great item for that. Maybe you want to give some to family and friends as gifts. You might be able to do it in a way that it costs you nothing at all, and you have some to do with as you please. We will also post links back to you on our social media accounts, asking our fans to purchase them from you directly! We want them to support YOU!
Not sure you can rally 10 fans? Well if you only managed to get 3 of them to spring for an autographed calendar with you on the cover you could do that and still have enough for a free copy for yourself!

It’s your cover used again on an official Retro Lovely production in a way you could truly be “pinned up.” And YOU could make some money with it.
Keep in mind, it’s you as the cover, you on your birthday month, and your birthdate highlighted if you choose. But it’s also you along with 11 other cover models we select. It’s not just a calendar of your images. Why not all your pictures? That’s a whole different level of work and time. We can do this at this price because we love all our covers, and any of them would make for a great calendar collection.
This is also YOU ordering copies from us at wholesale. YOU offering them to fans and your fans paying YOU. YOU packaging them up and YOU buying the postage and shipping them to those fans. We will promote to our audience that they are available from you. YOU will be able to make more with them signed so it only works if it is done this way.
Don’t want to do all that work but want a calendar like this for yourself? We can do that too but it will be a pretty expensive calendar for you. This whole effort is designed to offer our cover models a way to earn some money from their modeling.

Some differences are hard to see immediately.
Take note of the second R in the word Retro behind Miss V’s head.
So to be clear, you wouldn’t be able to tell your fans it was “your calendar” because it isn’t just your photos. We can do that for you too, but it would cost more to do and it would eat well into your ability to make money with it. Are you one of the handful of ladies who’ve been on multiple covers? Well, of course, we could use all of those, that makes perfect sense. Can you choose which other 11 covers we’d use in a calendar? Sadly there we’d also have to say no. Why? Well, most wouldn’t know this, but our covers are designed so that when they are printed, trimmed, and bound, our masthead appears centered on the page. This means the file by itself looks like the logo is shifted to the left a bit; this accounts for the page that gets cut away in the binding process. If we were to use that in the calendar, both edges get trimmed, and it would then be off-center. We care about the covers, and that’s something we’ve adjusted for in the calendars we’ve already done. Plus, the fact that we nudged our logo down so that cool spiral binding wouldn’t break it up. So this means each cover we use for a calendar is reformatted to work best in this different application. We aren’t able to just take the existing covers and drop them in place. In the case of Miss V’s, we even moved her name and photographer’s logo. It’s that important to us. It’s this sort of attention to detail that makes being on our covers so coveted.

We reviewed multiple calendars from the 50’s and 60’s for inspiration for the typography and graphics.
They look incredibly professional.
NOW all that said. We would allow people to choose which covers were used, but it would cost more. We have actually designed and executed many calendars for others over the years but have not formally offered it as a service. We have no problem doing that too, but again there’s added cost. We would have to review the additional content, and there’s a good bit of time and work with that. We don’t recommend it unless you have at least 30 or more fans you can count on to help you with it.
So here are some bullet points to present this more concisely:
Cover Girl Calendars
(not that you are basic, heavens no):
- You on the cover
- You featured on your birth month
- Your birth date is highlighted if you so choose
- Your contact info included – Instagram, FB, Website in line text on your month
- 11 other Retro Lovely covers filling out the calendar that we choose
- Copies made available to you at $10 each plus shipping
- 15% additional discount from our printer when ten or more purchased at the same time
- We promote your calendar on social media requesting fans to patronize YOU directly. We will ask them to support you with these.
- Sales coaching – we provide examples of how to make this work for you
- Use of our return address for your safety for those who do not have PO Boxes
- Ready and available to begin promoting within 48 hours
- $25 set up fee – Introductory pricing, if we become overwhelmed with these, this could increase do to our limited time resources
Everything as above PLUS:
- You choose all 11 additional covers to be used in the calendar; this could be very beneficial to those who are friends with other cover models and possibly belong to a social club where several of you in the same product would make it easier to move ten or more copies
- Sales coaching – we provide examples of how to make this work for you
- Use of our return address for your safety for those who do not have PO Boxes
- Ready and available to begin promoting within 72 hours
- $75 set up fee
This is where you would be able to talk about YOUR official Retro Lovely Calendar. A 12 Month Calendar where you are the only star! This calendar would feature:
- Your Retro Lovely Cover as the calendar cover, and that image is placed with whatever month you choose. Birthdate listed if you choose
- Eleven additional photos for the remaining months. Must be vertical/portrait orientation; this means they’d fill your smartphone screen as you’d hold it normally. These would also need to be approved for publication just like our magazines. We will have to individually review and approve all additional images. This adds considerable time to things and is the big reason for the cost
- Full credits are listed on each photo as it’s possible you’d have work by multiple photographers. Which is more work as we would need releases form those photographers as well. This is another big investment of time to facilitate.
- Your contact info and full bio or thank you to your fans on the back cover with one of your twelve monthly images repeating there. This could also be a selfie you love. This is much more involved than just a line of text as with the other calendars. Again, truly a custom to you calendar.
- We promote the calendar and ask people to purchase a copy directly from you.
- Sales coaching – we provide examples of how to make this work for you
- Use of our return address for your safety for those who do not have PO Boxes
- Ready and available to begin promoting within 5 business days
- $200 set up fee.
With any of these, you would purchase the copies you would sell and mail them to your fans. We can’t stress strongly enough that doing so and using your home return address is a bad idea. You do not want people to know where you live. We wish it were not so, but it’s true. Getting a Post Office Box for a handful of sales might not be cost-effective, so we will also include an offer to use the Retro Lovely studio offices as the return address. That would foil some stalker/fan for sure.
Why not do this yourself? You can, of course. The difference with this is we can do a lot of the work for you with less time and expense to get it done. And it will get done. Why go it alone? Nobody publishes more pinup than we do.

You can also test the waters with offering fans a calendar with you on the cover, and if enough of them pre-order from you, you might find you have enough support to do something fully custom and possibly kick it up a notch. You can give it a try very easily with little risk and scale up as you see what your response might be. You only need to sell about 3 copies to break even.
Imagine ordering your own first copy and making a video to share on your Instagram Facebook or Tik-Tok accounts showing your fans the high quality with your enthusiasm. Telling them how you’ll personally sign it for them. Who could resist that? We’ll share those videos too since they can be so contagious.
We want an army of our cover models to make some money with this. Something no other publication is even trying. We would love nothing more than to talk about all the successes we can achieve with this together. We want to flood the airwaves and mailboxes with Retro Lovely Calendars for 2021.
If your cover was created with a photographer who traded their time to you without compensation we can not encourage you more to do the right thing and share proceeds from this with them. Do the right thing!