Marilyn on White – Again

As we plan sessions in the studio we have a few themes we rotate every so often. Some are once a year, some we only do once every two years. Some twice a year. Recently we offered a new shoot that was incredibly well attended. Marilyn on White. An homage to those photos of Marilyn Monroe that have become iconic and embedded in the minds of anyone who has seen them.  Our shoot spanned more than two days to fit everyone in. We also had some people book weekday sessions for it. In the months since the shoot we’ve heard it referenced time and time again. Clients in the studio shooting something else mentioning photos they’d seen from it. People keep asking to do it as private sessions. It led us to think we should really offer it again on some weekend dates for convenience for some. We are actually delaying another shoot just to offer it again sooner than later. SO, if you missed it the first time or have wanted to do it since you began seeing images from it now is your chance to take part in some weekend dates!  This is on our deposit form now, 2 dates to choose from, June 10th or 11th. Below is a collection of quite a few sample photos from our last sessions.